Check it out. -m
Some random thoughts and responses to lots of blog discussion sparked by the XML2 article, where I asked “Is HTML on the Web a special case?” By which, I mean, if you go through all the effort of writing down all the syntax rules used by the union of browsers that you care about, then…
A few more tidbits on the Softbank Mobile turnaround, for which helped architect the mobile platform. SoftBank phones have a “Y!”-button which links to Yahoo!-keitai. Yahoo-Keitai! offers a list of official sites, new services (e.g. a new communicator service), and also access to free mobile internet sites through the YAHOO directory, as well as access…
my new publishing technique is unstoppable – but why limit to blog posts? GET Introspection URI scan the list of workspaces for the collection you want to post to GET to Collection URI read the nice [atom] feed POST to the collection URI push an item formatted as [a nice atom entry] GET or HEAD…
Congrats to Opera Mini on its first anniversary. I just installed it on my new SLVR, and the download is an astounding 98k. Why can’t more software be this lean? And yes, Y! search came as the default. -m
My second career as a hand model has been exposed, by a blog post from the guys behind Yahoo! Messenger. BTW, I have even more stickers now, including one of those Flickr stickrs seen in the shot. -m P.S. The photo is credited to Yodel Anecdotal, which is another blog. Did anyone catch when that…
I’ve always had a thing for text analysis. the 352 and 250 to 225 of 188 in 118 a 108 we 100 is 76 our 75 that 72 Source. -m
So, about a year ago, I wanted to use XPath 2.0 on a project. Turns out no non-toy, non-alpha versions existed except in Java land (where Saxon is quite good). Has the situation changed at all? Anything on the horizon? Libxml2? Anybody?? -m
A semi-random thought that occurred to me. One marker of a well-designed markup language is that it looks to the future. This doesn’t mean it’s an amorphous blob of abstract indirections mapped to tags. It can (and arguably should) be concrete and solid, but designed in such a way that keeps bigger things in mind….
The nofollow setting on an outbound link should be a user-editable option, subject to the same community process that all other content on wikipedia already is. (Site guidelines, dispute resolution, restricted editing on certain articles for unregistered users, etc.) By default, links would get nofollow, but over time, they could be ‘blessed’, perhaps after a…
In case you didn’t notice, a new XML Annoyances is out. From the first comment there: markup typo 2007-01-11 18:58:33 Michael Dyck [Reply] In the link following “same unofficial naming scheme as”, the attribute is missing its closing quote-mark, which (in my browser at least) causes a lot of the subsequent text (up to the…
And a few not so open… Q: Does the iPhone (or specifically the desktop-grade Safari browser) make the “mobile web” obsolete? A: The “mobile web”, as we know it today, will become obsolete without any help. Things change. Devices improve. That said, the context in which one uses the web is different, and there will…
(Press release) Starting today, Y! is the exclusive search partner for Opera Mini across more than 100 countries. The release also names “oneSearch”, going live later in Q1–definitely something to keep an eye on. -m
Here’s a great new project on Sourceforge: XForms for UBL. In my book, I started in on something like this. Here is a more complete, more up-to-date, fleshed out solution. -m
I have a question for the mobile geniuses out there. What’s the difference (if any) between inputmode=”latin digits” and inputmode=”user digits”? Will browsers treat these differently? How so? Which ones? Answer in the comment section below. Thanks! -m
I don’t. If you resolve to do something, don’t wait for a certain calendar date–just do it. -m
For the last several years, I’ve taken some time off around the end of the year to work on a special project. In 2004 I ported some of Rick Jelliffe’s code from Java to Python. In 2005, I made an editing pass over a novel I wrote the previous November during NaNoWriMo. This year was…
O’Reilly sent me a copy of the new 1000 page volume from David Flanagan. (Apparently, being an O’Reilly author gets you on their list for freebies.) A bunch of business ensued, and the book sat around unread for a while. I’m not using JavaScript day-to-day anymore, but I used to during the Cardiff LiquidOffice days….
You are Superman Superman 80% Spider-Man 75% Green Lantern 60% The Flash 60% Batman 60% Robin 55% Iron Man 55% Supergirl 45% Wonder Woman 35% Hulk 35% Catwoman 25% You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. Too cool to resist posting. Try the quiz yourself -m
This “click-through” license on an Edison-style phonograph cylinder has been making the rounds. But don’t miss the front side: a giant photo of Edison himself, and his name in the largest font possible. As the photo caption says: They really weren’t concerned with artist promotion, I guess. From day one, the record companies have been…
Site at How are folks supposed to discover this? -m
Last week, I visited Erik Wilde, Bob Glushko, and students up at Cal. No major announcements, just some sharpening of discussion points. Since this was my first visit to Berkeley, I finally got to tell the joke “thank you for your OS”. Maybe you had to be there. The intentional web is a formalism for…
This Wednesday, I’m visiting Berkeley to speak with visiting professor Erik Wilde and his School of Information students. It’s an open-ended discussion, but will almost certainly center on XForms, the intentional web, and related information flow technologies. If you’re in Berkeley this Wednesday, drop me a line. -m
The new Flickr Mobile site is up, joining the recently-launched Notice a trend in mobile URL design here? Expect to see more of this from Yahoo! and other places. The interesting thing about these URLs is that they don’t end in .mobi. There are technical advantages (cookies) to staying with an established domain name….
but there has never been a successful Java implementation of a commercial-grade web browser. (right?) There exist lots of huge applications including IDEs, and editors of all sorts, but nobody’s been able to nail the whole XHTML+CSS+JavaScript thing in Java. (right?) Take it a step further–no need to pick on Java–nobody has done this in…
Monday I’ll be at the Mobile 2.0 event in SF. If you’re there, look me up! -m
Watch this week: the XML Annoyances column is returning, and not a moment too soon it seems. -m
So, the question I posed here was what effect Number Portability would have on #3 carrier Softbank Mobile customers in Japan. Would they leave for greener pastures, or would lower prices and free Yahoo! content (not to mention a bit of advertising) attract new subscribers? Yep, file this under good problems to have. -m
ZDNet Asia offers a rare glimpse inside Yahoo! Mobile, including the code name for a current project I’m involved with. Read on to get an idea why I keep saying to expect big things soon in this space. -m