Month: August 2006

Spam update

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I dug into my mail configuration a bit more and made a few changes. In the past, I had been lazy, so when I needed new email addresses like webmaster at and contact at, I just set up a catch-all. I knew catch-alls would collect lots of spam, but I didn’t know (until…

Anyone know why Thunderbird Spam filtering is working poorly?

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Yes, I’ve been painstakingly training positive and negative cases for weeks. This is a standard TBird setup on imap with the adaptive filter enabled. Here’s the results from a 24 hour experiment: 96 spam incorrectly delivered to inbox (manually marked as spam) 257 messages automatically delivered to spam folder 3 of the above incorrectly (manually…


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Still tech editing the final pieces of the Web 2.0 book. Such a huge part of what people mean when they talk about Web 2.0 is the ugly term “user-generated content”. As many have pointed out, all three words comprising that phrase are inaccurate or obtuse (or both). We need a better term. How about…

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