Check ’em out on Flickr. -m
Month: May 2006
Check out the presentation page, with a link to the paper. Because someone asked, my name got top biling due to the prestigious “alphabetical” reference system. -m
I’m on the IT eqivalent of emergency life support for a few days. I returned to a DOA hard drive. If you’ve sent me mail in the last week or so, think about re-sending it. See the comments for the gritty details. -m
Steven Pemberton has done several recent talks on XForms, XForms tutorial at XTech and WWW The Power of Declarative Thinking – same slides for the talks at XTech and WWW I attended at least parts of both of the WWW talks, and I can report that they were well-attended and well-received. -m
Limited and insecure network connections have kept me from writing more, but man are there a lot of iPods in Scotland. They’re everywhere. Finding a power adapter for a PowerBook, on the other hand, is nearly impossible. -m Update: See the comments here to view (or add) your travel tips.
I’m heading out shortly to Edinburgh. How much will I be blogging from Scotland? Good question! Depends greatly on connectivity, fatigue, and opportunity. In that order (I think). -m
As long as I’ve got conferences on the brain, I need to mention the XML 2006 Call for Participation. XML 2005 was great, and this year looks like it could be even better. Deadline for regular talk and tutorial proposals is July 19. -m
Seen on Bill Trippe’s blog. Gray Knowlton, who indentified himself as a Senior Product Manager for InfoPath 2007 said the next version of SharePoint will “include InfoPath Forms Services, which will render InfoPath forms to browsers and html-enabled mobile devices, and this will not require InfoPath on the form fillers’ desktop, nor will it require…
At WWW I have a short presentation on Yahoo! Go on Friday. It’s one-fourth of a 90 minute slot, so don’t expect any huge revelations. You might also see my name on another paper, Visualizing Tags over Time on Wednesday (nominated for Best Paper) (!). I won’t be presenting, though I did help a bit…
The following is a blatant job posting. If you’re not into that kind of thing, feel free to skip. In Yahoo! Mobile, we’re working on an amazing project which, unfortunately, I can’t say much about just yet. We’re growing, and we need some more talent. All of the following are in Sunnyvale, CA and have…
My friend Kimbro Staken has mostly stopped blogging, instead relying on Several others on my RSS reader are trending similarly. Until very recently, I was doing the same. For me, posting links is a way of keeping the ‘pilot light’ burning when I didn’t have enough time to do full postings–on, posting a…
Since switching to WordPress, I’ve gotten some gentle reminders along the lines of changing the default theme. Well, I’ve done it. I still don’t understand why so many themes have a huge image taking up half the space ‘above the fold’, but nevertheless, Tony Greer‘s excellent theme I’m using here was easy to customize, is…
According to Apple and Japanese telecom giant Softbank may be developing a new mobile phone that can download songs from iTunes Wait a minute, is that the same Softbank that owns the biggest chunk of Yahoo! Japan? Yep. This is utter speculation, but I’d watch the Apple+Yahoo! space, particularly for mobile… -m
If you’re like me, you often get email messages with long URLs that wrap, which are a pain to actually get into a browser. Easier on Firefox though: Go to about:config and change editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines setting to 3 or add: user_pref(“editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines”, 3); to your user.js file. Excellent! -m
The argument behind rel=”nofollow” was that spammers were trying to game the system to get link credibility for thier sites. Having a way to flag links that haven’t been human-reviewed so that they don’t count toward PageRank (and similar algorithms) would remove that incentive, and spammers would go away. Fat chance. You haven’t noticed it…
PC World. T-Mobile prohibits VOIP over their network. Anyone care to report on their experience running VOIP over any cellular network? -m
By way of Alan Beaufour and Frank Hecker, more great news. -m
Pronounced “wreck”, as the old saw goes. I can’t be the only one for whom this document makes no sense, which I mean in the broader sense of ‘how does this fit in to the rest of the world’. Many times, looking at the testimonials gives some idea what’s going on. Let’s see… …frees Web…
I’m going to start covering mobile developments more here. If you have any scoops, let me know. -m P.S. Comment moderation has already paid for itself here. Sorry, spammers. (No, not really)
According to CNet, Moto is gathering their development programs under one roof. Does this give any hope for a decent mobile browser from these guys? If so, I’m all for it. -m
Some semi-random Sunday thoughts. Why is it that a badly-formed web page will probably still work, but a badly-formed software program (say, a browser) will for certain kinds of bugs crash hard? I think the answer comes down to intent. Even with a missing quote or closing tag, it’s still mostly obvious what should be…
I need to remodel my blog. Pretty easy, if you want to blow away all your previous content and start fresh. A bit trickier if you want to preserve all your old content and the URLs at which each page resides. Aside: for some reason, every single change to my blog (including first starting out)…