There’s a tram that goes by Yahoo, very convenient. Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to finding schedule information through the official website. Navigate to Click on “Schedules, Maps and Fares” in the left sidebar. Click on “Route Schedules and Route Maps”. Scan down to the bottom third of the page. Click “Light Rail Schedules”….
Category: stuff
If a free energy device (like this one) were really possible, simple economics would dictate that (as soon as patents expired, etc.) one or several would be found in every cell phone, iPod, notebook computer, desktop computer, appliance, automobile, airplane, house, building, and factory. That’s a lot of waste heat that would get dumped onto…
Based on Doug Crockford’s chapter in Beautiful Code, I wanted to take a crack at implementing Top Down Operator Precedence in Python. After all, Python and JavaScript are quite similar, right? Not really. As you can imagine, Doug’s code makes great use of JavaScript’s strengths, in this case the ability to assign new methods to…
If it’s been quiet on this front it’s because I’ve been engrossed in my continuing education. Andy Oram sent me a copy of Beautiful Code, a thoroughly enjoyable work from O’Reilly. If you like stretching your brain by reading code-intense essays from top-tier coders, I recommend this volume. In particular, I’m been digging into Douglas…
I just finished an online version of SICP, the famous computer science text Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (link to full and official text online). What do I mean by “finished”? Well, there are online video lectures (link to iTunes-ready RSS video feed), expertly delivered by SICP authors Sussman and Abelson themselves in 1986….
Have a look at these new Samsung phones, especially on page 2. Still limited to Asian territories, but this sort of thing has to be coming to the US and Europe as well… -m
The big buzz today is news that Terry Semel has stepped down as CEO of Yahoo, and Jerry Yang has stepped up. Believe it or not, Y is the first place I’ve worked at that’s large enough that I’m not on a first name basis with the CEO, so this kind of thing is much…
I have an older iPod. I don’t go G numbers, but it’s 40 gigs and a black and white screen. The battery life is measured in minutes. Hmm, 40 gigs, same as the original Apple TV. We don’t have a TV in the place, but we do watch movies on the computer screen. As long…
Maybe it’s a coincidence, but just after installing Thunderbird 2, deleting emails started taking 5 seconds, then 15, then 30, then a full minute. Then it quit working alltogether. Also 14,000 old mailing list messages materialized in my Junk folder. My inbox has hundreds of unread, and drastic measures might be needed to get things…
Here’s a NYT article on Yahoo! Mobile, including a picture of the “warroom” where I spend a few hours on a typical day. The sign on the back wall says “platform team”, and on top of that “Maru” in Kanji and roman characters. -m
Last week I did something pretty foolish: I placed an order with Amazon. A few days later six new books arrived–two on math, two on brewing, Dreaming in Code, and one on guitar playing. All of these went directly to my toread list, a huge library of books that probably wouldn’t remain standing if I…
I’ve always had a thing for text analysis. the 352 and 250 to 225 of 188 in 118 a 108 we 100 is 76 our 75 that 72 Source. -m
O’Reilly sent me a copy of the new 1000 page volume from David Flanagan. (Apparently, being an O’Reilly author gets you on their list for freebies.) A bunch of business ensued, and the book sat around unread for a while. I’m not using JavaScript day-to-day anymore, but I used to during the Cardiff LiquidOffice days….
You are Superman Superman 80% Spider-Man 75% Green Lantern 60% The Flash 60% Batman 60% Robin 55% Iron Man 55% Supergirl 45% Wonder Woman 35% Hulk 35% Catwoman 25% You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. Too cool to resist posting. Try the quiz yourself -m
Site at How are folks supposed to discover this? -m
This Wednesday, I’m visiting Berkeley to speak with visiting professor Erik Wilde and his School of Information students. It’s an open-ended discussion, but will almost certainly center on XForms, the intentional web, and related information flow technologies. If you’re in Berkeley this Wednesday, drop me a line. -m
The new Flickr Mobile site is up, joining the recently-launched Notice a trend in mobile URL design here? Expect to see more of this from Yahoo! and other places. The interesting thing about these URLs is that they don’t end in .mobi. There are technical advantages (cookies) to staying with an established domain name….
On a PHP 4 project, I need to use XSLT, but the interfaces seem far more complicated than they should be. Check out this declaration for the function to run an XSLT: mixed xslt_process ( resource xh, string xmlcontainer, string xslcontainer [, string resultcontainer [, array arguments [, array parameters]]] ) Wow, it returns a…
Just a little FYI. Anyone use uses the word “pretexting” in a conversation with me is likely to get on my bad side. At least have the decency to call it identity fraud or even good old fashioned “lying”. -m
The little one just turned a month old. Since I have a spare moment, time for some blog catch-up. A C|Net puff piece survey reports More than two-thirds of respondents said that their data was most vulnerable on laptop PCs, while 40% chose “other mobile devices” (i.e. PDAs, mobile phones, wireless devices) Mind you, this…
Spotted via Weinberger. Hiawatha Bray of The Boston Globe writes about Yahoo’s continuing foray against DRM, led by David Goldberg. -m
I got this link from Eve, and to think, I never even knew there was a The Microsoft Open Specifications Promise irrevocably lets any interested parties implement and use a list of technologies without fear of getting sued (at least sued by Microsoft). It is similar in tone and scope to earlier declarations about…
I’ve written before about the xslt2xforms project by Sébastien Cramatte. The project is not only still alive, but expanded into an entire utility kit including a PHP5 framework and forming “a complete xforms/xml toolbox based only on w3c standards”. Check it out on sourceforge. -m
Hey Podcasters out there…post a picture of your mixer on your blog or favorite photo sharing site. As a bonus, you’ll have a “backup” of your settings for future reference. Give it the tag “mixerpic” so we can all find it later. -m
I’m heading out shortly to Edinburgh. How much will I be blogging from Scotland? Good question! Depends greatly on connectivity, fatigue, and opportunity. In that order (I think). -m