Yes, I’ve been painstakingly training positive and negative cases for weeks. This is a standard TBird setup on imap with the adaptive filter enabled. Here’s the results from a 24 hour experiment: 96 spam incorrectly delivered to inbox (manually marked as spam) 257 messages automatically delivered to spam folder 3 of the above incorrectly (manually…
Yahoo! Mobile has a new look–the first of many changes in the pipeline. The refresh brings the mobile site in line with the recently relaunched main page. -m
Nice writeup. Doesn’t help me much with my decision, though! -m
Listed with a pub date of December 6, 2006. (Eric let me in on this link.) The tech editing is out the door, and things are moving along. -m
Interesting, but not surprising. The source article talks about revenue share unhappiness, but that seems like a bit of a stretch for a deal only inked six months ago. There’s some more interesting analysis in there as well. It was the open secret in the industry that both Voda and T-Mobile were beginning to have…
I need to get a new phone, probably still on Cingular. What should I get? The following features are important to me: Good web browser Preferred querty keypad Not running Windows Able to make and receive voice calls What’s my best bet? -m
How hard could this be? A six month project if three engineers are doing it in a garage. Five years if you put one hundred programmers on it. Guy Kawasaki -m
Still tech editing the final pieces of the Web 2.0 book. Such a huge part of what people mean when they talk about Web 2.0 is the ugly term “user-generated content”. As many have pointed out, all three words comprising that phrase are inaccurate or obtuse (or both). We need a better term. How about…
Like with the element counts, the grain-of-salt alarms are going off with this one. But apparently IE7 passes only 54% of the CSS test suite, up from 52% for IE6. (But even Mozilla only scores 93%). It’s not entirely clear how these numbers derive from the source data, and it certainly isn’t weighted for things…
Django has always seemed to resonate with me more than Rails. I’ve loved it ever since Simon Willison pointed me to it. A new version is out, and Bill de Hóra has a superb writeup. -m
First off, counting the number of elements isn’t a useful metric for serious discussion about vocabularies–but it is fun. :) Eric van der Vlist reports on the latest XHTML and related specs. -m
Hmm, this seems like a new feature, auto-installed after my last mail client restart. Unfortunately, there’s no “what’s this?” link for further information. I find it interesting that the scam message wasn’t also labeled as “Junk”. Also, for some reason, the word ‘scam’ feels unexpectedly slangy in this setting. Great feature, I just wish I…
A few pics up on Flickr. Still recovering from travel, more soon. -m
Yes, the devastating two-pronged attack is in full swing. Link. -m
Word on the street is that some of the new stuff in XForms 1.1 is fantastic. Also on my to-carefully-read list, the mobileOK Scheme. As always, any thoughts welcome here. -m
Write up by Duncan Cragg. More and more momentum is building for this meme. -m
Hey readers, help me guide my scattered thought processes. I’ve been thinking lately about microformats, which are typically characterized by inline annotation through existing class attributes in XHTML. You put the rel=”self” or whatever right into the document, on the element you’re talking about. Another approach, that used by CSS itself, is to keep all…
According to the authoratative site. Looks like the virtualization markup is getting interesting. -m
A little bit back, Cringely had a brilliant column about billable events and the last mile. Everything the telcos (and others) do these days is primarily aimed at creating billable events. This includes the net neutrality debates. In fact, at&t is so skilled at revenuing, they can generate billable events out of nothing at all….
Yeah, help still wanted. I’m looking for a markup and standards guru to work with me on a cool Mobile project. Can you list five different types of CSS selector off the top of your head? Can you map all five to the equivalent XPath? Can you spot semantic markup by reflex? Do you daydream…
My earlier nofollow post is now officially the most-spammed blog posting I’ve ever written. All this despite a moderation system–the spammers are getting zero benefit from all this. Deterrent techniques are not working; there will always be some small percentage of “unprotected” sites that the bad guys are happy to exploit. Adding insult, even after…
Show up at my place Friday evening for the light stuff, Saturday morning for the heavy stuff. -m
From mnot: the return of the Link: headers, last seen in RFC 2068, and a new header, Link-Template, which has me salivating over the possibilities. I wonder, will this lead to better libraries for dealing with HTTP headers? Or at least better developer understanding of the benefits of not just taking whatever Apache or Tomcat…
Hey Podcasters out there…post a picture of your mixer on your blog or favorite photo sharing site. As a bonus, you’ll have a “backup” of your settings for future reference. Give it the tag “mixerpic” so we can all find it later. -m
The Rise and Fall of CORBA, seen at the ACM. To create quality software, the ability to say “no†is usually far more important than the ability to say “yes.†Sound familiar? -m
I don’t know if I hit a glitch in the system or what, but while I was making my periodic browser through the online Apple Store, I noticed a refurb iPod Shuffle for under fourty bucks. I was trying to wait for the next rev, but hey, I have more travel coming up. I tend…
I spend a Pareto portion of my work day in three applications: jEdit, Firefox, and a terminal. I hang around Emacs (and VI)-loving folks all day. Emacs. jEdit. Emacs. jEdit. The tension is palpable. :) Maybe their influence is starting to rub off on me. Here’s what I want: Dear readers, can you provide comments…
A while back, documenting my Windows XP SP 2 horror story, I mused about when Microsoft would have to throw out the code base and start fresh. Now, I see this, with additional commentary from Rick Jelliffe. Hmm. -m