Category: mead

Meade Classe August 7

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Join me for another Meade Classe at the Los Altos MoreFlavor brew shop. Saturday, Aug. 7, 2010 2:00 – 4:00 pm MoreFlavor 991 N. San Antonio Road Los Altos, CA 94022 We will taste some meads, focusing on sensory evaluation, then walk through the steps of brewing up a batch. As usual, seating is limited,…

Meade Class, the nexte

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Another mead class is scheduled for November 15th in Los Altos. Come join me! Mead, honey wine, “the nectar of the gods”. Whatever you call it MoreFlavor Los Altos is sponsoring a class to help you learn more about this wonderful fermented beverage and equip you to brew your own. Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008 2:00…

Mead Tasting

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A great mead tasting event at Rabbit’s Foot tonight. There are a few new commercial meads since my last visit, an excellent raspberry mead and a saison-style braggot. And lots of homebrew mead flowing freely as well. Say, if anyone in the South Bay is interested in a study group for Mead Judge Certification (likely…

Another Gold

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My traditional mead, the one that took years to make took the gold in the 24B (Traditional, semi-sweet) category at the mead-only Arizona Mead Cup. (results) This one goes back before the Great Hard Drive Crash, where (combined with a freak that-directory-didn’t-get-backed-up-bug) my early meadmaking records were lost. But there are a few hints left…

Mead Classe the thirde

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My next Meade Classe will be on Saturday, August 2nd, which happens to be Mead Day. Come learn…and taste. Full details: Mead brewing and appreciation class Mead, honey wine, “the nectar of the gods”. Whatever you call it MoreFlavor Los Altos is sponsoring a class to help you learn more about this wonderful fermented beverage…

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