The argument behind rel=”nofollow” was that spammers were trying to game the system to get link credibility for thier sites. Having a way to flag links that haven’t been human-reviewed so that they don’t count toward PageRank (and similar algorithms) would remove that incentive, and spammers would go away. Fat chance. You haven’t noticed it…
PC World. T-Mobile prohibits VOIP over their network. Anyone care to report on their experience running VOIP over any cellular network? -m
By way of Alan Beaufour and Frank Hecker, more great news. -m
Pronounced “wreck”, as the old saw goes. I can’t be the only one for whom this document makes no sense, which I mean in the broader sense of ‘how does this fit in to the rest of the world’. Many times, looking at the testimonials gives some idea what’s going on. Let’s see… …frees Web…
I’m going to start covering mobile developments more here. If you have any scoops, let me know. -m P.S. Comment moderation has already paid for itself here. Sorry, spammers. (No, not really)
According to CNet, Moto is gathering their development programs under one roof. Does this give any hope for a decent mobile browser from these guys? If so, I’m all for it. -m
Some semi-random Sunday thoughts. Why is it that a badly-formed web page will probably still work, but a badly-formed software program (say, a browser) will for certain kinds of bugs crash hard? I think the answer comes down to intent. Even with a missing quote or closing tag, it’s still mostly obvious what should be…
I need to remodel my blog. Pretty easy, if you want to blow away all your previous content and start fresh. A bit trickier if you want to preserve all your old content and the URLs at which each page resides. Aside: for some reason, every single change to my blog (including first starting out)…