Little Brother is out

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Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother is now shipping from Amazon and other stores. I reviewed a pre-release copy of it and liked it. But the best part is–like Cory’s other books–it’s downloadable right now, for free, under an open content license. I can attest that this is an effective strategy for getting your name and your…

14 ways…

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When making hash browns xkcd style, there are at least 14 ways it could go badly. That’s not a potato, it’s a misshapen rock. Unexpectedly flammable tennis racket. Sparks landing on gas can. Food poisoning via undercooked hash browns due to limited flame contact time. Broken plate fragments. Dripping, flaming gasoline. Swing and a miss;…

What I’m Reading

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The Minority Report and Other Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick. This volume has all of Dick’s earliest short and medium-length fiction. It’s PKD so you know it’s good, but this one really gives insight into how he developed some of the themes that came to dominate his later work. Even these early stories are…


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Today happens to mark the 6th anniversary of my blog. To celebrate going into year seven I’m refocusing it, including a new name: Micahpedia. Blogging is an important skill, a subset of the overall skill of managing your online persona, so it’s worth devoting some attention to. The ego-burst doesn’t hurt either. My concrete goal…

How to negotiate

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Tips from Leo Reilly in How to Outnegotiate Anyone (Even a Car Dealer!). Be patient. If you insist on having something today, know what you want and be prepared to pay for it. Never disclose your deadline. Cultivate a positive relationship with the other party. Don’t make the other side look stupid (for a prolonged…

Deadlines and connections

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I’m not involved in the the corporate wrangling about Microsoft and Yahoo! talks. Which leaves me relatively free to comment on it. [Disclosure: I am, not too surprisingly, a Yahoo! shareholder.] Lots of things have been happening lately. A deadline of, well, today. Talks of Google adsense trials. And all kinds of merger speculation involving…

US Census == paper technology

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Never let anyone say that forms are easy. What seems like a boring, tedious topic on the surface is surprisingly deep and challenging. As evidence, the multi-billion-dollar plan to modernize the US census in 2010 has fallen back to paper technology. Sadly their plans didn’t involve XForms. Highly-critical applications, like say voting, are even more…

Review: Little Brother

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(sick again…at least I get to catch up on my reading) Something has always puzzled me: I’ve never solidly connected with a Cory Doctorow story. It’s baffling; we’re practically brothers-in-geekdom. Most every nonfiction thing I read from Cory leaves me nodding in agreement. If we met, we’d have no trouble talking for hours about metacrap,…

Trying Evernote

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Evernote looks like a cool application, and for at least a few more hours, you can get it for free via the Giveaway of the Day site. At first glance, this seems like the closest software I’ve seen to the original “Brain Attic” concept I’ve held for years. My most pressing questions are (big surprise)…

Getting what you asked for

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Some time ago, Doug Crockford’s excellent blog pointed me to this page on “excessive DTD traffic” at the W3C. Go ahead and follow that link, I’ll wait… All the standard templates that show how to construct a basic XHTML page include a public identifier of and often a namespace name of As the…

Hands-on Kindle

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Amazon hosted a networking event tonight. They had me at free beer and a chance to look at a Kindle. Now that I’ve actually played with one, I can comment on some of its features for better or worse. It’s heavier and more solid than it looks. With the little padded cover, it could pass…

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