Several folks, including me, have experienced increased CPU usage on Firefox 3, especially on OSX. Try disabling it, going back to the bookmarklet. -m
Month: June 2008
Even though the timing is about perfect, it’s not gonna happen But if it did, would that be awesome or what? -m
All writing depends on conflict (without which there is no story), but there’s more than one kind. The obvious kind is steadily building tension with unknown outcome. The battle between good and evil in most stories is like this, though admittedly the good guys usually win. More subtle is “dramatic irony” where the reader knows…
Day 3 and the first real difficulty: I can’t type most of my passwords except by muscle memory. Overall, though, I’m enjoying the challenge, even if my postings are conspicuously short. :-) -m
I hoped for something fresh, but this from Len Merson is only warmed-over GTD. Avoid–go for the original. -m
I taught Anita some Python this weekend, and was peppered with questions like “where is the key for the two little lines?” “You mean a quote mark?” “Yeah.” I’m going through much the same now. Moments ago I changed my keyboard layout to dvorak. Why? I type alot. Variety helps keep carpal tunnel at bay….
The result of tons of work by lots of smart people. Go forth and implement. And I need to put in a plug for Metadata for Grandma which (indirectly, as it turned out) influenced the spec. RDFa is already a big deal, used in places like SearchMonkey. The subset of RDFa used by SearchMonkey is…
A common point of debate within Yahoo! was whether employees should feel compelled to use Y properties (“eat your own dogfood”) or whether said properties should have to compete on pure merit to earn internal usage. But in any case, there’s always pressure, even if subliminal, to use internal products. I’ve free of such influence…
According to Ars Technica, Google captured 61% of mobile search market share in the first four months of 2008. Yahoo! came in at a distant 18%, so pretty much reflecting desktop search market share. This is due, of course, to Google being the default provider on the iPhone, and the iPhone being the biggest bulk…
Here’s something I’ll bet you didn’t know. Netflix has gone on record as saying that although their Instant View library, viewable online or via the hardware Roku player, is much smaller than their DVD library, they’re working hard on closing the gap. For instance, one quote says “adding titles at light speed”. But some titles…
During a Q&A session today, I asked a panel of MarkLogic users about whether they saw metadata (and specifically RDF) as becoming an important factor in the near future. Fair enough question, having just come from the SearchMonkey project at Yahoo! The answer: A qualified yes. Having a strong metadata store and query engine isn’t…
Other than training sessions today was the first day of the Mark Logic User Conference. And I was surprised by the feel of it: very much like a industry XML conference. Many familiar faces were there, like Norm, Zarella, Kurt, and Eliot. The sessions were somewhat more narrowly focused around MarkLogicy things, of course, but…
I’ll be up in San Francisco the rest of this week at the Mark Logic User Conference. If you’ll be there too, be sure to look me up. -m
For instance, The Business Value of Windows Vista. Seriously, Vista for “speed and security”? Or mobile? The comments on this post alone are worth the click. -m
I’m reading Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide. It’s a more business-ey kind of book than most Web 2.0 faire. So it jumped out at me the section “Who this book is for”. I hate these sections, even though they are quite common. Why would I need a book to tell me who it’s for? Isn’t…
From the Yahoo! Developer blog, new search keywords you can use to hone in on indexed microformats. For example, to see every hAtom-bearing page that mentions ‘dubinko’ use the query [ dubinko]. Works similarly for hCard, hCalendar, hReview, and XFN. I’m sure more are coming soon too. -m
I was on the right page at the right time and spotted this: WIth zero votes for any candidate and zero precincts reporting, CNN calls it. Now, I’m no stats expert, but this one seems a bit extreme. Comments? -m
Rumor is that the .Mac service is being renamed to “Mobile Me”. Great, in it’s present state, it’s always been the kind of thing that’s completely useless to me, even aside from the annoying name. But watch out: everyone’s favorite gang of bankrupt litigious weasels, the SCO group, in a desperate effort to prove they…