Month: June 2008

Two kinds of tension

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All writing depends on conflict (without which there is no story), but there’s more than one kind. The obvious kind is steadily building tension with unknown outcome. The battle between good and evil in most stories is like this, though admittedly the good guys usually win. More subtle is “dramatic irony” where the reader knows…

Do I still Yahoo!?

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A common point of debate within Yahoo! was whether employees should feel compelled to use Y properties (“eat your own dogfood”) or whether said properties should have to compete on pure merit to earn internal usage. But in any case, there’s always pressure, even if subliminal, to use internal products. I’ve free of such influence…

MLUC08 Day 1

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Other than training sessions today was the first day of the Mark Logic User Conference. And I was surprised by the feel of it: very much like a industry XML conference. Many familiar faces were there, like Norm, Zarella, Kurt, and  Eliot. The sessions were somewhat more narrowly focused around MarkLogicy things, of course, but…

Who this blog is for

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I’m reading Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide. It’s a more business-ey kind of book than most Web 2.0 faire. So it jumped out at me the section “Who this book is for”. I hate these sections, even though they are quite common. Why would I need a book to tell me who it’s for? Isn’t…

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