I started writing this post back when doing tech editing the “Rich Client Alternatives” chapter on Web 2.0, the book. Now, with Apollo getting some attention, it’s worth revisiting. What do XUL, Yahoo! Widgets, OpenLaszlo, Silverlight, and Apollo have in common? All of them mix content with presentation to some degree. Years of experience on…
Month: April 2007
Havi Hoffman at Yahoo! gave me an advance copy of David Weinberger’s Everything is Miscellaneous. I’ve been a fan of Weinberger for years–I even quoted him in my book. I’m just getting in to the reading. I’ll report back when I have more to say. -m
Maybe it’s a coincidence, but just after installing Thunderbird 2, deleting emails started taking 5 seconds, then 15, then 30, then a full minute. Then it quit working alltogether. Also 14,000 old mailing list messages materialized in my Junk folder. My inbox has hundreds of unread, and drastic measures might be needed to get things…
Here’s a NYT article on Yahoo! Mobile, including a picture of the “warroom” where I spend a few hours on a typical day. The sign on the back wall says “platform team”, and on top of that “Maru” in Kanji and roman characters. -m
James Clark is blogging. A few zillion people have already mentioned this. A slightly tangent observation: I had trouble reading through an entire article in web form, but had no problems returning later to the atom feed. At first I chalked it up to early morning grogginess, but it seems to be a repeatable phenomenon…
I don’t remember ever spelling this out, so: Any posting that adds to the discussion shall be accepted Any posting by a spammer/robot/pay-per-post flunkie shall be rejected Any posting that would offend my grandma shall be rejected Any posting that takes too long for me to categorize per above MAY be rejected These aren’t hard-and-fast…