Category: announcement

Think Like Tesla

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I’ve avoided publicizing this until there was significant content out there. Announcing a new YouTube channel: Think LIke Tesla. This channel exists to celebrate a certain Serbian inventor/pop-culture figure and help YOU become a clearer thinker. In time, it will include everyday descriptions of Nikola Tesla’s patents and experiments, as well as fundamental ideas that…

Call me AJ6BD

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CQ, CQ, CQ. This is AJ6BD. I officially have a callsign. I can now legally broadcast on the amateur radio bands. I’ve been building radios since I was ten (really). I had plenty of help from my mentor, who taught me more than I realized there was to know about electronics, AC theory, signals, modulation,…


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If you’ve come here because of something you noticed in your HTTP access logs, read on. Who is doing this? This is a personal project of Micah Dubinko. It is completely separate from anything related to any employer. What is ASLbot? In the immediate future, ASLbot is no more than a personal research project. It…


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This week marked the MarkLogic World conference and with it some exciting news. Without formally “announcing” a new release, the company showed off a great deal of semantic technology in-progress. Part of that came from me, on stage during the Wednesday technical keynote. I’ve been at MarkLogic five years next month, and the first piece…

MarkLogic 6 is here

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MarkLogic 6 launched today, and it’s full of new and updated goodies. I spent some time designing the new Application Builder including the new Visualization Widgets. If you’ve used Application Builder in the past, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the changes. It’s leaner and faster under the hood. I’d love to hear what people think…

MarkLogic World 2012

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I’m getting ready to leave for MarkLogic World, May 1-3 in Washington, DC, and it’s shaping up to be one fabulous conference. I’ve always enjoyed the vibe at these events–it has a, well, cool-in-a-data-geeky-way thing going on (like the XML conference in the early 2000’s where I got to have lunch with James Clark, but that’s…

Actually using big data

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I’ve been thinking a lot about big data, and two recent items nicely capture a slice of the discussion. 1) Alex Milowski recounting working with Big Weather Data. He concludes that ‘naive’ (as-is) data loading is a “doomed” approach. Even small amounts of friction add up at scale, so you should plan on doing som…

Meade Classe August 7

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Join me for another Meade Classe at the Los Altos MoreFlavor brew shop. Saturday, Aug. 7, 2010 2:00 – 4:00 pm MoreFlavor 991 N. San Antonio Road Los Altos, CA 94022 We will taste some meads, focusing on sensory evaluation, then walk through the steps of brewing up a batch. As usual, seating is limited,…

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