Heard, overheard, and misheard at Balisage


The opening day of the conference was not Balisage proper, but a separate symosium on “XML for the long haul”.

Some interesting tidbits overheard, in no particular order…

“it is not necessarily clear that this approach would capture the difference between the ridiculous and the merely implausible.”

Complexity — what is the relationship betwen complexity and long-term data storage?

“Narratives with fancy words in them”

How do you store, say, a video in a format that will be readable in 100 years?

Order of magnitude scale changes produce discontinuities

“The Da Vinci Schema”

Dandelion DNA (Free license)

“Indispensible” — “I don’t think that means what you think it does”

“Keeping electrons alive is really difficult”

“I wondered…with my Topic Map brain damage…”


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