I’ve started looking into porting the WebPath code (and eventually XForms Validator) over to Python 3. The first step is external libraries, of which there is only one. WebPath uses the lex.py module from PLY. I had got it into my head that Python 2.x and 3.x were thoroughly incompatible, but leave it to the…
Category: python
The long-awaited Python 3.0 is out. It fixes almost every annoyance I have with the language, particularly around Unicode handling, which is important in the kinds of projects I work on. Now, to revisit some of my Open Source projects… -m
The XQuery Working Group is debating the need for higher-order functions in the language. I’m working on honing my description of why this is an important feature. Does this work? What would work better? Imagine you are writing a smallish widget app, in an environment without a standard library. When you need to sort your…
This article made my day. Very similar approach to what I did in WebPath, but even cleaner. Great explanation and performance numbers. -m P.S. Thanks to Crock for pointing this out.
I registered ‘xfv’ on Google App Engine. Too bad there doesn’t appear to be any significant XML libraries supported. I have XPath covered by my pure-python WebPath, but what about Relax NG? Anyone know of anything in pure python? -m
It’s been an exhausting past couple of weeks, but life goes on. WebPath made front page at next.yahoo. I’m starting to get feedback from developers who are actually using it, filing bugs, suggesting features, and it’s gratifying. The community is still building up. Won’t you join too? -m
WebPath, my experimental XPath 2.0 engine in Python is now an open source project with a liberal BSD license. I originally developed this during a Yahoo! Hack Day, and now I get to announce it during another Hack Day. Seems appropriate. The focus of WebPath was rapid development and providing an experimental platform. There remains…
I’m taking some time off from work to relax a bit. And just in time for that, my OLPC arrived. Check out the photoset on Flickr. It’s an impressive little machine, and I’m very happy to have got this instead of a Kindle. :) -m
Here’s the slides from my presentation at XML 2007, dealing with an implementation of XPath 2.0 in Python. I hope to have even more news in this area soon. WebPath (html) WebPath (OpenDocument, 4.7 megs) Did you notice the OpenOffice has nice slide export, that generates both graphically-accurate slides and highly indexable and accessible text…
Watch this space for details. I’ll be speaking about something related to Python and XPath 2.0. Watch this blog for tidbits on the subject. :) -m
Based on Doug Crockford’s chapter in Beautiful Code, I wanted to take a crack at implementing Top Down Operator Precedence in Python. After all, Python and JavaScript are quite similar, right? Not really. As you can imagine, Doug’s code makes great use of JavaScript’s strengths, in this case the ability to assign new methods to…
I’ve always had a thing for text analysis. the 352 and 250 to 225 of 188 in 118 a 108 we 100 is 76 our 75 that 72 Source. -m