Raining bacon. More collected Geek Thoughts at http://geekthoughts.info.
Month: September 2009
An editor’s view on the modern publishing market, how it’s changing, and challenges any book faces in running the gauntlet of publication. Worth a read. -m
My personal stability theory, as it applies to software engineering: in a multilayered software architecture, the likelihood layer N works well can be expressed as a probability (less than 1 in practice) relative to the lower level layer N-1. For example, if you attempt to write a mission critical Tcl app on a flaky Tcl…
The BJCP has released a new study guide for the Mead exam. At the homebrew competitions I’m one of the (seeming) odd ones who asks to be on the mead flights, so this is a welcome development. -m
Another XForms site launched this week. This one seems pretty close to what I would like XForms Institute to become, if I had an extra 10 hours per week. -m
I had been asking around earlier for large RDF datasets. Here’s one. Looks like a great contest to build an app around this, but unfortunately, the deadline looks like it’s soonish (1 Oct). What is it? The major part of the dataset was crawled during February/March 2009 based on datasets provided by Falcon-S, Sindice, Swoogle,…
I think estimation is an important skill, and if not, I’ll eat my 10,000 hats. More collected Geek Thoughts at http://geekthoughts.info.
This sentence describes a unique story by David Moser. This sentence reinforces the notion that the story previously alluded to is not only entertaining but also thought-provoking. This sentence is false. Some sentences can even refer to themselves without using the word “this”. This sentence concludes the post with a pithy and memorable flourish. This…