Through the weekend I put most of the final touches on an implementation of RDFa in XQuery. The implementation is based on the functional specification of RDFa, an offshoot of the excellent work coming out of the W3C task force.
The spec contains a procedural description of the parsing algorithm, and several have successfully followed it to arrive at a conforming implementation. But you would have tough times explaining RDFa to someone that way. The functional description sort of fell out of the way I described RDFa to people.
“When you see an element with XXXX, you generate a triple, using SSSS as the subject, PPPP as the predicate, and OOOO as the object.”
Which arguably is the more natural way to express the algorithm for functional languages like XQuery or XSLT. Fill in the right blanks and you pretty much have it. In practice, it’s somewhat more complicated, but not nearly so much as with other W3C specs.
I hope to make the code available soon. You’ll hear about it first here.
I’ll write more when I’m not exhausted. :-) -m
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