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Push Button Paradise

Micah Dubinko

Wed, 15 Jun 2005

On my mind

New XML-Deviant article is out, go have a read.

Also, I'm launching a new regular feature on the wiki: On my mind. About half the time, when I write an article like this, I take out good old-fashioned pen and paper and brainstorm away. Any possibly-related topic is fair game, it gets written down and circled, with the main topic as a central hub. Any kind of connection between topics becomes a connecting line. After a while, you get a rich web of connections.

Often times, writing something like XML-Deviant is largely a matter of highlighting existing connections between things, connections that might not be readily apparent. So I have all these pages in my notebook. Why not put them up for the world to see? There are six up now, including one from this week's column.

At the same time, this will be a good experiment to see how many XML-Dev readers hop over for a 'behind-the-scenes' look, and vice-versa. So, have a look! -m

posted at: 15:51 | under: 2005-06 | 0 comment(s)

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