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Push Button Paradise

Micah Dubinko

Mon, 11 Jul 2005

Another Pattern

A second Patterns article is up. As always, find the latest at the usual location.

If you look at the URL for an individual article, you'll notice it starts with a number. If the number is in the range 1-253, it represents the pattern from the Christopher Alexander book that most heavily inspired the essay. Numbers 254 and up are new topics.

Will I shadow every new article with an announcement on the blog here? Probably not. But for the short term, Jay Levinson says that a marketing mesaage needs to be heard seven times by a potential client before it gets noticed enough to be acted upon. In this case, "acted upon" means hooking a regular reader. So in other words, expect at least five more of these announcements. :) -m

posted at: 23:04 | under: 2005-06 | 0 comment(s)

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