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Push Button Paradise

Micah Dubinko

Thu, 30 Jun 2005

Apple seems to know what they're doing

...In switching to Intel processors. I stumbled across this article which discusses the Playstation 3 and XBox 360 gaming consoles, which use an IBM Cell and PowerPC-based processors, respecitvely.

Choice quote: "The most ironic bit of it all is that according to developers, if either manufacturer had decided to use an Athlon 64 or a Pentium D in their next-gen console, they would be significantly ahead of the competition in terms of CPU performance."

That's Alanis Morissette-ironic rather than dictionary-ironic, but the point stands--when people compare processors for speed, Intel is always cited as the goal to reach, with AMD in a close second. Just get those new PowerBooks out soon, OK? -m

posted at: 08:53 | under: 2005-06 | 0 comment(s)

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