B.Web: Proprietary; binary formats |
1993: HTML forms |
1994–2001: Nothing happened |
Today: XForms |
X-Smiles |
From University of Helsinki |
Implements XForms, SVG, SMIL, XHTML, and many
other cutting edge standards |
Novell XForms Xplorer |
Solid CR XForms support |
Some Assembly Required |
<input value=“initial value”> |
“Swiss cheese” processing |
Primitive (Flat) Data Representation |
Name=Micah&Title=Chief+XML… |
Need Script to do anything… |
Validations |
Calculations |
Dynamic Forms |
Some Assembly Required |
<input value=“initial value”> |
Primitive Data Representation |
Urlencoded? Ugh. |
Blending Purpose and Presentation |
<input type=“radio | checkbox”> etc… |
No validations, calculations |
XForms turns the HTML <form> tag
inside-out |
XForms turns form controls outside-in |
Describes intent, not presentation |
appearance= “full” | “compact” | “minimal” |
Static (from Schema) and dynamic |
Datatypes |
Relevant |
Required |
Readonly |
Validation |
Calculation |
Minimum/maximum occurrences |
Defines common set of behaviors |
Direct replacements for scripting |
<message> replaces alert() |
<send> replaces form.submit() |
<setvalue> replaces form.field.value=“string” |
<setfocus> replaces form.field.focus() |
<load> replaces document.href=“url” |
<toggle> implements dynamic show/hide |
<message level=“ephemeral”>Please enter
the number…</message> |
<message level=“modal”>This field is
required (Street)</message> |
<message level=“modeless”>Have you
forgotten your password</message> |
Choice of formats: |
Application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Multipart/form-data |
Text/xml |
Choice of transport |
Email |
Filesystem |
SOAP (Future) |
Main document only identifies frames |
URL provides content |
Framesets are fully bookmarkable |
“Back" button works |
Harder for sites to "framejack“ |
Modular: can apply to any content |
Short W3C specifications are welcome! |
Even Simpler Syntax |
More Display Options |
“tabbed” displays |
More? Only if you contribute. |
Gratuitous picture of my kid (cute, huh?) |
One linking attribute to rule them all |
Failed Requirements |
One link per element |
Verbosity/Complexity |
Adoption |
HLink provides a means for XML language authors
to declare which attributes describe a link |
For example, multiple links from the same
element |
Making peace with XLink? |
XLink 1.1? |
? |
Break off important pieces for sharing |
XForms for SVG, SMIL, XSL-FO |
XML Events for SVG, more? |
XFrames |
HLink |
Revisit design decisions of antiquity |
Linking attributes everywhere |
Element vs. Attribute decisions |
Shift emphasis to document structure |
Reestablish momentum |
<section> and <h> elements |
<line> element |
‘href’ everywhere |
<object> (not <img>) everywhere |
Navigation Lists |
As if millions of lines of JavaScript
cried out in terror... and then suddenly
fell silent. |
http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml-roadmap/ |
XHTML 2.0 Early Working Draft |
HLink Uncertain Working Draft |
XFrames Working Draft |
XML Events (soon?) Candidate Rec. |
XForms Candidate Rec |
Requests to Implement XHTML family members in
Mozilla |
Vote early, vote often! |
(XHTML2) |
(XForms) |
(Events) |
(XFrames) |
N/A (HLink) |
Sjoerd Visscher’s XHTML 2 implementation |
http://w3future.com/weblog/gems/xhtml2.xml |
Deploy XML data through Web Services |
RPC-style bad; Document-style good |
Plain-old XML even better |
Don’t assume browser-only access |
Embrace open standards |
More XForms Implementations: |
X-Smiles http://www.x-smiles.org |
Novell http://www.novell.com/xforms/ |
Mozquito http://webaccess.mozquito.com |
FormsPlayer (IE plugin) http://www.formsplayer.com/ |
Handwise (Mobile) http://www.handwise.com/Products/XFUI.html |
Hico http://www.hico.com |
Authoring Tools |
http://www.Cardiff.com |
(subj: “Subscribe”) |
www-forms@w3.org |
http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/ |
http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms/ |
http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/ |
http://www.xml.com/ |
http://www.xmlhack.com/ |
More? |