Push Button Paradise
Micah Dubinko
Tue, 26 Jul 2005
Logic and the Loss of Innocence
I picked up another Christopher Alexander book, Notes on the Synthesis of Form. A short book, but plenty to chew on. Example:
The use of logical structures to represent design problems has an important consequence. It brigs with it the loss of innocence. A logical picture is easier to criticize than a vague picture since the assumptions it is based on are brought out into the open. Its increased precision gives us the chance to sharpen our conception of what the design process involves. But once what we do intuitively can be described and compared with nonintuitive ways of doing the same things, we cannot go on accepting the intuitive method innocently.
posted at: 16:59 | under: 2005-07 | 1 comment(s)
Posted by M. David Peterson at Wed Jul 27 03:29:56 2005