Push Button Paradise
Micah Dubinko
Sat, 30 Jul 2005
Don't Use Google!
Since getting picked up by Yahoo!, I've been jokingly telling people I meet "don't use Google anymore, use Yahoo! instead".
The response, though, has been surprising. At least the last six folks I've had this conversation with have said, in all seriousness, something very close to: "oh, no, I already don't use Google. Yahoo! is way better." This is from "normal" computer-using folks (such as moving sale visitors), not super-geeks.
Could this be a trend? Find out for yourself: in the little search box in the upper-right corner of Firefox or Safari (or allegedly IE7), adjust your settings to use Y! search instead of the default. Try it for a week and see how it works. Report back here in the comments if you wish.
Update: Making Safari not use Google is tougher than it needs to be. Try this weblog for starters.
posted at: 16:19 | under: 2005-07 | 0 comment(s)