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Push Button Paradise

Micah Dubinko

Fri, 13 May 2005

Minor style tweaks

To help preserve the illusion that some actual design work went into this blog, I've updated the stylesheet. If you're on a Mac or other enlightened platform that has the Optima font, you'll get it. On Windows, you'll get Lucida Sans, which ain't bad.

But Optima is great. Very readable for a sans-serif font, complements the clean look I'm going for, and yet is powerful enough to stand on its own. Take a close look at the Brain Attic logo, and you'll see the Optima there, with a few adjustments.

If you notice any problems with your platform/browser, let me know. -m

posted at: 23:24 | under: 2005-05 | 0 comment(s)

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