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Push Button Paradise

Micah Dubinko

Mon, 09 May 2005

The Endecoder

Have a peek at my latest creation, a Dashboard Widget for OS X Tiger.

Every once in a while, often while working on specs, I need to base64 encode or decode something. So I stop whatever I'm doing, Google on online converter, usually hitting a few false leads, then finally find one that works, convert, and leave. Now the same is one click away. For good measure, I threw in URLEncoding, XML escaping, straight hex encoding, and Rot13.

Widget has a text window in the top half, and five pairs of encode/decode buttons for Base64, URL, XML, Hex, and Rot13

Later, I'll post more details on my experience working with the Dashboard platform. -m

posted at: 00:32 | under: 2005-05 | 0 comment(s)

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