Push Button Paradise
Micah Dubinko
Wed, 11 May 2005
Digging Dashboard
Dashboard in OS X Tiger, on the other hand, I really like, and use it regularly. Right now I have 18 widgets loaded. True, some of these are just initial enthusiasm, and no doubt my working set will thin out over time.
I should also note that the current version has some security issues, though those will get resolved quickly. I predict a 10.4.1 coming out quite soon.
As a mode of working, though, Dashboard fills a huge need that people didn't even realize they had. Now, what we really need is a super quick and efficient way to find and record information in a stable format that will stiill be readable in 20 years. Yep, plain text. Yep, this leads back to iTDS again. -m
posted at: 09:38 | under: 2005-05 | 0 comment(s)